Writing in plain English Current Status Not Enrolled Price R1250 Get Started Take this Course Course Content Introduction to Better Communication 1. Write for your audience 1.1 Do your research 1.2 Address your reader 1.3 Address different audiences seperately 2. Organise the information 2.1. Make it easy to follow 2.2. Add useful headings 2.3 Introduce each topic 3. Choose your words carefully 3.1 Be concise 3.2 Use simple words and phrases 3.3 Avoid noun strings 3.4 Avoid adjectives 3.5 Avoid hidden verbs 3.6 Minimise definitions 3.7 Minimise the use of abbreviations and acronyms 3.8 Place words carefully 3.9 Avoid jargon 3.10 Use the same terms consistently 4. Be concise 4.1 Write short sentences 4.2 Keep the subject, verb and object close together 4.3 Use positive language 4.4 Write short paragraphs 4.5 Write short sections 5. Conversational Tone 5.1 Use an Active Voice 5.2 Use Present Tense 5.3 Use Contractions 5.4 Use Examples 5.5 Use “must” to indicate requirements 5.6 Don’t use slashes 6. Design for Reading 6.1 Design for Reading 6.2 Use tables 6.3 Use diagrams 6.4 Highlight important concepts 6.5 Minimise cross-references 7. Follow Web Standards Reading on the web Effective linking Repurpose print material Avoid PDF overload Use a Standard Date and Time Format